How to Calm Down Fast
How to Calm Down Fast
At the first sign of anxiety, start breathing slowly. Bring your full attention to your breathing. Feel how the breath feels entering and leaving your lungs. Breathe in to a count of two, saying to yourself, “one one-thousand, two one-thousand.” Hold your breath at the top of that count. Breathe out to the count of four, saying to yourself, “one one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand, four one-thousand.” Hold your breath at the bottom of that count. Continue breathing, and counting, like this for several minutes.
As you continue your breathing exercises, close your eyes. Picture a tranquil scene with you at the center of it. See yourself walking through a green, verdant forest or see yourself walking along a white beach, waves lapping at your bare feet.
Now, practice positive self-talk. Silently think, “I’m calm. I’m peaceful. Nothing can hurt me. I am safe.” Listen to the birdsong as you mentally walk through the forest or feel the mist of the ocean on your face as you mentally walk down the beach, your feet sinking in the warm sand.
If, after the above steps, you are still anxious, walk away. Just get up and leave your desk, or the person/situation who is upsetting you, and take a break. Better yet, take a long walk. A brisk walk is an excellent tension reliever.
Reframe the stressor. Most of the time, we do not react to what IS, but to our interpretation of it. Change your thoughts about your situation. For instance, if your boss is nasty with you, tell yourself that your boss is just having a bad day and it has nothing to do with you. No matter what happens to you, try to find a positive interpretation for it.