How to Breathe Correctly
Start your breathing technique by standing up straight or lying down on your back on a soft cushion or bed. Make sure you are comfortable and able to relax. Do this exercise away from distractions such as the phone or television.
Put your hand on your stomach and leave it there. Breathe as you always do and see whether your chest falls and rises or if your stomach if rising and falling.
Notice if your stomach is rising and your chest is staying still when breathing in. If it is, then you are breathing correctly. When the chest rises, it is incorrect.
Practice breathing in and out and keep your hand on your stomach. Take a deep breath and count to five. Then exhale and see as your stomach drops and your chest stays still.
Keep doing these exercises so that you can learn to breathe this way all the time. This type of breathing will eventually become natural for you, and you will feel less stress, less tension and more happiness in your daily life.