The Side Effects of Gold Coin Grass
Gallbaldder and Gallstones
The gallbladder plays a key role in regulating bile in the liver and digestive system, by acting as a reservoir. It is also involved in body fat digestion and bowel movements. Gallstones arise from the hardening of bile into stone-like material. In the United States, over 500,000 people surgically remove their gallbladders as a result of gallstones every year.
Action of Gold Coin Grass
Gold coin grass functions by decreasing the size of the gallstones, making it easier to be flushed out of the system. Hence it is used as a preparatory herb for liver and gallbladder flushing, and is reported to alleviate some gallstone-related symptoms such as pain. Gold coin grass is predominantly ingested in tincture form, and is used for other conditions including acute and chronic hepatitis, and stones in the urinary system.
No Reported Major Side Effects
Gold coin grass and Chinese herbs in general are largely considered safe owing to their long recorded history of use, with no serious long-term health concerns reported. However, gold coin grass is not widely studied in modern medicine. The herb is marketed as a replacement for gallbladder surgery, although it doesn't directly eliminate gallstones, but reduces them over a period of time. Hence, further medical intervention is required for total removal.
Minor Side Effects
Although gold coin grass shows no major side effects, symptoms such as fever, headaches, nausea, vomiting, earaches and muscle pain have been reported. This may not be due to direct use of the herb, but as a result of the natural process of passing the stone, which releases chemical toxins into the body.