Chinese Weight Loss Techniques
Acupuncture is a weight loss aid. Acupuncture is an alternative form of healing that dates back to ancient China. The practice of acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points of the skin. Acupuncture works by releasing endorphins into the nervous system. Endorphins have a calming effect, and ease stress that may lead to overeating. Endorphins also assist in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Acupuncture is a weight loss aid that should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise plan.
Chinese Green Tea
Chinese green tea has slimming benefits. Chinese green tea is derived from the Camellia sinensis plant. Green tea leaves are gently steamed after picking, preserving their high antioxidant content. Health benefits associated with Chinese green tea include increased metabolism, improved digestion, increased energy, lowered cholesterol and weight loss. Green tea contains caffeine and is rich in antioxidants called polyphenols. Polyphenols combined with caffeine stimulates metabolism and accelerates weight loss. Chinese green tea also works as an appetite suppressant. Drink three to five cups a day of Chinese green tea to maximize its slimming benefits.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal preparations assist in weight loss. Chinese herbal remedies are a traditional component of Chinese medicine. Chinese herbal medicine works by treating the symptoms of illness rather than the cause. Chinese herbal remedies generally consist of herbs, minerals and animal extracts. Herbal elixirs are formulated into pills, teas, tinctures, powders and syrups. Chinese herbs used for weight loss boost metabolism, suppress appetite, promote detoxification and assist in fat reduction. Common Chinese herbs used in weight loss preparations include cinnamon, ginger, astralgus and honeysuckle.
Chinese Diet
Properly prepared Chinese food is low in fat. Follow a traditional Chinese diet to lose inches and slim down. The traditional Chinese diet is nutritious and low in fat when properly prepared. Choose poultry, lean meats, soy, fish, tofu and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eliminate or reduce sugar, starch and salt. Replace white breads and pastas with whole-grain alternatives. Choose natural and organic foods whenever possible. Incorporate the Chinese way of eating into your diet to achieve your weight loss goals.