Types of Reishi
There are six different types of reishi, including Akashiba, or red reishi; Kuroshiba, or black reishi; Aoshiba, also known as blue reishi; Shiroshoba, or white reishi; Kishiba, known as yellow reishi; and Murasakishiba, or purple reishi. These mushrooms have properties that cure asthma, coughs, debility, exhaustion and insomnia, according to Ygoy. The acids in reishi mushrooms can also reduce cholesterol and lower blood pressure, Ygoy adds. Allergies, "associated with chronic bronchitis, which is among the toughest to heal, has a recuperation rate of 60 percent to 97.7 percent when treated with Reishi," according to Ygoy. Reishi mushrooms are non-toxic and safe to use; however, you should consult your doctor if you plan to take them as a supplement to determine the appropriate dosage.
Red Reishi
Red reishi mushrooms support overall health and immune function. Red reishi can be taken as a daily supplement to improve memory, alleviate allergies and treat anxiety, as well as bronchitis, asthma and insomnia. Red reishi restores the body by normalizing and regulating immune and organ function. By returning the organs to their natural state without side effects, red reishi also acts as a form of preventative medicine.
Black Reishi
Although the greatest health benefits seem to come from red reishi mushrooms, black reishi mushrooms are also used as a health supplement. Black reishi is used to fight lung disorders and is often found in products in Chinese herbal shops. They are typically listed as wild reishi in the ingredients list. Black reishi, however, is less potent than red reishi due to a lower number of polysaccharides.
Other Types of Reishi
Other types of reishi mushrooms include blue, yellow, white and purple. These bitter-tasting mushrooms can be found in teas, tonics and capsule form due to their health benefits. Both blue and purple reishi are used to improve and boost eyesight, while blue also enhances liver performance. Purple reishi supports the complexion and relieves joint tension. White reishi can help in the prevention of kidney problems, while yellow reishi helps with problems of the spleen.