How to Build Ionic Detox Machines
Things You'll Need
- 2 9V batteries
- 2 basins
- 2 crocodile clips
- 2 stainless steel spoons
- Insulated wire
- Insulated tape
Cut insulated wire into two equal pieces. Each piece should be 10 to 12 inches long.
Cut off a half inch piece of tape. Tape one end of the insulated wire to the head of a spoon. The wire should be placed directly in the center of the spoon head, on the side that dips inward. Repeat this process with the other piece of wire and spoon.
Tape the other end of the wire to crocodile clips. The wire should be placed onto the plastic head of the clip. The tape should then be wrapped around the plastic head.
Place two basins on the floor. Fill them with two inches of lukewarm water. Add two teaspoons of sea salt to the water and mix it gently with your hands. Wash your hands before they come into contact with the water.
Attach the crocodile clip to a 9V battery. Open the metal part of the crocodile clip and place it over one of the battery's electrodes. Make sure it is firmly connected. Repeat this process with the other clip/battery set.
Put a wired spoon into each basin. Make sure the battery end is far enough away that it won't get wet, but close enough to avoid tension in the wire. Place one foot into each basin when you are ready to begin your ionic detox.