Chinese Medicine Help for Restless Legs
Herbs for Improving Blood Circulation
Improving circulation may help with RLS. Ginseng has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries and it is very good for improving circulation. It is considered to be a stimulant and is also used to help support the immune system. Chinese medicine describes Ginseng as being a restorative tonic. Ginseng is typically combined with other herbs, such as licorice or Chinese dates. These tend to help balance out the powerful effect that Ginseng has on the human body.
To use Ginseng, steep half a teaspoon of powdered Ginseng root in one cup of hot water. Drink up to two cups of Ginseng tea a day, or just before bed, to help reduce symptoms of RLS.
The B Vitamins
A deficiency of vitamin B may be one reason why someone experiences RLS. A magnesium deficiency causes muscle tightening in the legs just before they spasm. A deficiency in vitamin B can also cause neurological disorders in some individuals. Such problems can produce a "crawling" affect, particularly in the legs. For someone who is experiencing vitamin B deficiency, take a B-complex vitamin as well as a good multivitamin. Take about 1.3 mg of vitamin B6 a day.
Individuals who suffer from an iron deficiency or are anemic commonly suffer from RLS. RLS creates the irresistible urge to move around at night or while asleep. According to a report produced by the Neurological Disorders and Stroke, some researchers estimate that RLS affects as many as 12 million Americans, however, RLS is thought to be under-diagnosed, which means that an even larger amount of the population may suffer from RLS.
Someone who is deficient in iron can take an iron supplement daily, along with their vitamin B6 and daily multivitamin. Iron is also in many different types of food that we all eat each day. Changing eating habits in order to create more iron will also help. Foods that have higher amounts of iron include high-iron cereals, spinach, broccoli, baked potatoes, dark meat turkey and molasses.