What Herbs Help Strengthen Lungs?
Shortness of Breath
Ren shen or ginseng root, powerfully tonifies the (qi) energy circulating through the lungs and is especially useful for conditions where shallow breathing, shortness of breath and poor circulation are present.
Increasing Energy
Huang qi or astragulus root stops sweating, releases toxins and strongly raises the (qi) energy in those who are frail or recovering from an illness. The skin is considered to be controlled by the lungs and is the largest and most exterior portion of the body, so loss of fluids through the pores can cause dehydration and loss of valuable minerals.
Strengthen Immunity
Sheng jiang or fresh ginger is a warm herb used widely to strengthen a weakened immune system, stop cough and loosen phlegm associated with a cold, flu and other chronic lung disorders. Known to relieve indigestion and nausea, when grated and combined with honey in boiling water relieves cough, and when applied alone as a hot liquid wash induces sweating to relieve fever.
Cold Limbs
Rou gui or cinnamon bark is another herb known for its ability to warm the kidney yang in Chinese medicine. This is important in ensuring vitality and warmth in the body and aids in common symptoms such as wheezing, severe sweating, and cold limbs associated with lung diseases.
Licorice lubricates the lungs and counteracts toxicity. Boiled with half the amount of ginger and strained, it is consumed as soup to treat abscessed lungs, suppurate pneumonia and bronchitis without cough.
Other common herbs useful for colds and coughing are spearmint and peppermint which have a cooling effect on inflamed lungs and throat and diluted garlic, which can be used for whooping cough in children.