Chinese Herbs That Stop Bleeding
Yunnan Bai Yao
Yunan Bai Yao is a traditional herbal formula whose exact formula has never been revealed. One of its main ingredients is pseudoginseng. It was used by North Vietnamese soldiers to stem bleeding from gunshot wounds.
Da Ji & Hsiao Ji
Da Ji & Hsiao Ji are both used to stop bleeding associated with excessive chi heat. Da Ji is stronger. Hsiao Ji is weaker. Both are often prescribed for blood in urine.
Quan Cao Gen
Quan Cao Gen is often prescribed to both stop bleeding and help with the skin condition eczema.
Di Yu treats uterine bleeding and blood in stools. It can also be applied topically to reduce bleeding and to treat burns.
Bai Ji
Bai Ji stops bleeding in the lungs and stomach and can be used to treat people who are vomiting or coughing up blood.