Chi Machine Benefits
The Chi machine is a small motorized machine that sits on the floor. To use the machine, lie on the floor, aligning your body with the arrows on the machine. Place your feet in the cradle. Your arms can be placed in one of three positions: stretched out straight above your head, folded under your head or placed at your side. The machine oscillates from left to right, about 140 times per minute. The movement of the machine causes your body to move in a figure-eight movement. After the machine stops, remain in position for two to three minutes before getting up.
With just 15 minutes of the oscillating movement, the Chi machine claims to give your body oxygenation equivalent to 90 minutes of walking. Your body's oxygenation is extremely important, as your cells rely on it to carry out virtually every function. Oxygen deprivation in the cells often results in chronic illnesses and serious medical conditions. However, with the Chi machine, your body's oxygenation is rapidly increased. The movement of the machine allows more oxygen to pass from your lungs into your circulatory system. Once the oxygen reaches your circulatory system, it travels to all the cells within your body, giving them the fuel they need to function properly.
Improved Immune System
The lymphatic system's main function is to remove harmful substances from tissues and cleanse the body. The fluid within this system is called "lymph," and it is responsible for picking up and transporting harmful substances it comes across. Surprisingly, this important system relies entirely on muscle contraction to move lymph through the body. For this reason, exercise and deep breathing are extremely important. For people who are unable to get adequate amounts of exercise, the Chi machine can help with this process. The movement provided by the Chi machine helps move lymph through the body. As the body is detoxified, the strength of the immune system rapidly increases.
Weight Loss
Although the Chi machine is not considered a miraculous weight loss machine, using the machine may help you regulate your weight. Using the Chi machine on a daily basis will often prevent you from gaining weight, provided your diet does not get drastically worse. The machine also triggers cellular memory, which allows your body to remember its ideal weight. If you are underweight, using the Chi machine regularly may help you put on needed weight. Similarly, if you are overweight, the Chi machine may help you lose the extra weight.
Alleviate Stress
Many people find the Chi movement very calming. Because the machine does all the work for you, you are able to relax and think calming thoughts. The massaging motion of the machine helps you release tension that is built up in your body. As this tension melts away, your will find that stress melts away with it. Once your Chi session is over, you will often feel calm, yet rejuvenated. You will feel more energized during the day, and more able to achieve quality sleep at night.