Chinese Herbs for Cancer
The use of herbs in TCM to fight cancer goes back to at least 200 B.C., as tumors depicted on turtle shell oracles along with their causes have been found from this time. Cancer was considered to be caused by a variety of different imbalances in the human body and a large number of herbs have been traditionally deployed to fight it. Some of the herbs used in TCM to combat cancer have shown strong effects in laboratory studies and are now considered the top natural therapies for cancer.
The reishi mushroom is considered one of the most important longevity and disease-fighting herbs in TCM, and is now being studied intensively for its effects on cancer. An article published in Integrative Cancer Therapies in 2003 states that reishi mushroom clearly demonstrates anticancer activity on cancer cells and has been found to suppress cell adhesion and cell migration in highly invasive breast and prostate cancer cells.
Ginseng is another highly prized herb in TCM that has a strong following in the west as an immune-boosting and energy-enhancing herb, although it has been traditionally used to fight cancer, as well. A study published in the February-March 2003 edition of the journal Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis found that ginseng extract shows cancer-prevention properties against a large number of different cancers including throat, lung, stomach and liver cancers.
Astragalus is a commonly used herb in TCM formulas that are designed to boost the immune system and is specific in cancer remedies. In a study published in Oncol-Rep. 2003 Sept-Oct; 10(5): 1507-12, Chinese researchers found that an astragalus extract was able to reduce a cytokine (immune signally molecules) thought to be responsible for tumor progression to normal levels and thereby may be able to reverse cancerous growth.
Cancer is a complex disease that is thought to have multiple causes and factors by both the mainstream medical establishment and TCM. In TCM, the use of herbs in treating cancer would usually be part of a larger strategy that could possibly include dietary restrictions, exercise recommendations and other lifestyle considerations.