Qigong Weight Loss
The word qigong is made up of two words; qi, meaning life force or energy, and gong, meaning skill or accomplishment. Together the word qigong means the skills to enhance the natural life energy in a person. The practice of qigong is based within the context of other traditional Chinese exercises like tai chi and the spiritual philosophy of the traditional Chinese cosmological worldview. Since being overweight is considered a stagnation of internal energy in classical Chinese medicine, the practice of qigong exercises is considered and excellent treatment regime for losing weight.
Qigong and Stress
Qigong has been traditionally practiced as part of an overall strategy to maintain good physical health, promote longevity and reduce stress. A study done at the Pain Management Center in Newark, N.J., in January 1999 examined qigong's effect on pain reduction and anxiety in a group of 26 adults. The researchers found that qigong not only produced analgesic effects that allowed them to be more physically active but profoundly decreased their overall anxiety levels as well.
Stress and Obesity
Recently it has been found that stress triggers overeating and promotes weight gain. A team of researchers at Yerkes National Primate Research Center at Emory University studied monkeys that were under stress and found that stress triggers hormones that produce cravings for fatty and sweet foods. They theorized that the human stress response is very similar and that the obesity epidemic that sweeps the modern world could be tied to stress and these hormones that trigger overeating.
Since the practice of qigong not only stimulates the burning of calories that all exercise does but also produces profound antistress reactions, it demonstrates great potential as an integral strategy for losing weight. The pain-relieving properties of qigong can also be very beneficial for those who are overweight and are underactive due to injury or other pain-related conditions.
Beyond the calorie-burning and stress-relieving properties of qigong, traditional Chinese medicine holds that various postures are beneficial for specific maladies, much like the yoga system of India. Practitioners of qigong may be able to stimulate digestive actions and address hormonal imbalances that may be a factor in losing weight. Furthermore, by activating the life energy in your body you may become a more active person in general and therefore lose weight in the process.