Chinese Herbs for Menstrual Bleeding
Excessive menstrual bleeding can be caused by a number of conditions. The exact herbs that help will depend on the overall diagnosis. Chinese medicine treats the chi, the natural life force that is present in every living thing. The chi can both cause physical ailments and be symptomatic of the ailment. The chi can also be unbalanced. In some cases, the balance between yin and yang is upset. In other cases, chi can become too cool, cold, warm or hot. Herbs are often used to treat these and many other conditions. Because each case is unique, it is always best to consult a traditional Chinese medical practitioner before trying herbs.-
Angelica Root
Chinese angelica root has been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for over 5,000 years. Angelica root is a general tonic herb that often has positive effects on the reproductive system. This herb balances hormones and can help to relieve premenstrual (PMS) symptoms.
Raspberry Tea
Raspberry tea contains astringents that tend to shrink tissues in the body. It is often prescribed for excessive menstrual bleeding and cramps.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is a circulatory system tonic that helps the elasticity and health of veins, arteries and capillaries. By helping to keep blood-vessel walls pliable, cayenne pepper can help reduce excessive menstrual bleeding. It can also help to reduce menstrual cramps.
Radix Notoginseng
Radix notoginseng is sometimes called chi ginseng. It has been used for hundreds of years to treat excessive bleeding. It is specifically indicated as a cure for excessive menstrual bleeding and menorrhagia.
Juga Forrestii Diels
Although juga forrestii deils is often used to treat traumatic swelling and injuries, it is often very useful for helping to treat heavy menstrual flows. It can also be effective in relieving menstrual cramps and pain.
Rhizoma Dioscoreae Nipponicae
Rhizoma dioscoreae nipponicae is often prescribed to stop internal bleeding, to improve circulation and to treat general gynecological disorders. Of all the herbs in Chinese medicine, this is the most frequently prescribed herb for gynecological disorders.
Rhizome Dioscoreae
Rhizone dioscorea is a type of wheat that contains high quantities of B vitamins. It also contains vitamin A and can be very effective in treating menstrual cramps. It is also sometimes prescribed to treat excessive menstrual bleeding.