Chinese Cures for Excessive Sweating

Chinese medicine views physical problems as being both caused and indicated by the chi, or life force, in all living things. The chi runs along meridians in the body and can become slowed or blocked. This slowing or blockage can cause physical problems. Conversely, physical problems can slow or block the chi. Chinese medicine focuses on freeing the natural flow of chi in the body.
  1. Hands & Feet

    • Excessive sweating of the hands and feet is often caused by a heat accumulation in the stomach or intestines and a deficiency and dampness in the spleen. Excessive sweating of the hands and feet can be treated by the Chinese massage technique tuina, or "push hold." Tuina often is very effective in treating problems in the digestive area, which also can cause sweaty hands and feet. Acupuncture may also help to improve the flow of chi, thus helping this condition. Herbs that are commonly prescribed are the blend called Major Order of the Chi, the blend called Four Gentlemen, Five Ingredient with Poria or Six Ingredient with Rehmannia.


    • Damp heat in the liver or gall bladder with a liver and kidney yin deficiency is often diagnosed as the cause of excessive sweating in the armpits. Acupuncture, tuina or herbs may be used in various combinations as an effective treatment. Herbs commonly prescribed for this condition include gentiana longdancao and the Six Ingredient blend with Rehmannia.


    • Tuina, acupuncture and herbs can be used in various combinations to treat the accumulation of damp heat and a yang deficiency in the kidneys, often the diagnosis for people with excessive perspiration of the head. Herbs frequently used to treat this condition include the Frigid Extremities Blend and artemisia yinchenhao with poria.


    • Excessive perspiration of the chest is often an indication of a chi deficiency in the heart and spleen with a heart and kidney yin deficiency. Guipitang and tianwangbudzin are two common herbal treatments for this condition. In addition, acupuncture and tuina may be helpful in helping to reroute the chi to treat excessive sweating of the chest.

    Upper Body

    • General excessive sweating of the upper body is often caused by a general damp heat accumulation. Although massage and acupuncture or acupressure can help, a specialized herbal forumla, huang lian jie du tang, is available specifically for this condition.

    Lower Body

    • General excessive perspiration in the lower body is often caused by damp heat in the lower jiao. Although acupuncture and massage can help treat this condition, a generalized herbal preparation called long dan xie gan tang is usually prescribed.

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