Chinese Herbs Detox
Symptoms of Toxicity
There are a number of symptoms that indicate that your body may have a harmful buildup of toxins. Painful sores and swellings are one. A blotchy or purple rash may also indicate a toxic buildup. Buildups are also often accompanied by sore throat, inflamed tonsils or jaundice. If you feel that you have a buildup of toxins, it is best to consult a traditional Chinese medical practitioner, as these symptoms could also indicate other conditions.
Herbs to Clear Toxins
A number of herbs are used to clear the body of toxins. Although these herbs can be used individually, they are best used in blends specially formulated for your body and the particular type of toxin being removed. Herbs that are good for toxin removal include pu gong yin, or dandelion; lian chiao, or forsythia; and zi hua di ding, or violet. Honeysuckle, jin yin hua, is often used, as is purslane, called ma chi hsian in Chinese. Lesser known herbs include ba lan gen, bai hain pi, ma bo and jiang can, or silkworm.
Highly toxic buildups are rare in the industrialized world. In many cases, what appears to be a toxic buildup may be a symptom of a different condition. It is important to consult a Chinese doctor before starting a detox regimen. Certain herbs may be good for your particular needs, while other common detox herbs may cause a different type of imbalance in the chi and body. They could create other problems as part of detoxification. By consulting a Chinese medical practitioner, a blend of herbs can be prescribed that is optimized for your body.