Chinese Treatments for Acne
When the Chinese treat for acne, they recommend a strict diet that is very low in saturated fats. Since the inside of the body affects the outside, you should eat healthily to prevent breakouts. Stay away from too many carbohydrates, especially white bread, white rice and sweets. Carbohydrates tend to cause inflammation, so they may contribute to acne. Also stay away from foods that create excess Yang, or heat in the body, which are garlic, spicy foods and coffee. While treating your acne, you should get plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, which contain water and fiber. Fresh fruits and vegetables will help balance the excess Yang in your body, which will eventually clear your acne. You should try not to eat red meat while treating your acne, because it is high in saturated fat. Stick to the leanest proteins you can, including beans, soy and fish.
Maintaining proper hygiene will help you clear the acne you have and prevent recurrence. Maintain a daily hygiene regimen even after you've cleared your acne. When cleaning your skin, use an exfoliating cleaner or brush to sluff off dead skin cells that accumulate every day and may block your pores, causing acne. Your skin's PH level should be slightly acidic so that bacterial growth will be discouraged. Avoid regular soaps, which tend to be more basic. Applying mild acids to your skin, such as lemon juice, tea tree oil, and glycolic acid, will help existing blemishes clear up.
When you're not getting the proper nutrients from your diet, you need supplements to keep your Yang in balance. Vitamin A and zinc are the most common vitamin deficiencies in people who suffer from acne. Zinc is especially important in treating acne. It helps heal acne scarring and prevents future scarring. It also helps your body resist inflammation and infection, which contribute to acne. You should take 50 milligrams of zinc per day until your acne clears up.