Chinese Remedy to Stop Snoring
Snoring is a harsh sound that is produced when you breathe while you are asleep. Snoring can come in all volumes and sound types, and its ruckus can range from a squeaking whistle to a low growl.
Snoring is produced by vibrations that occur in the soft palate of the mouth when the mouth and throat muscles are relaxed during sleep. According to "Traditional Chinese Medicine, an Authoritative and Comprehensive Guide," by Henry C. Lu, in Chinese medicine, there are four categories of causes for an ailment: atmospheric forces, emotions, foods and fatigue. Each of these causes can be treated using specific Chinese remedies.
Western Causes
In Western medicine, snoring can have several physical causes, including allergies, swollen tonsils and a deviated septum. Some people who are very overweight begin to snore due to the accumulated fat near the throat. A relaxed throat due to alcohol or sleeping pills can also contribute to snoring. In addition, snoring can occur due to an enlarged uvula or soft palate, which vibrates more when it hangs into the breathing passage. Chinese medicine offers alternative procedures and herbal remedies designed to treat the physical causes of snoring identified in Western medicine.
Herbal Treatments
Common herbs that can assist in clearing up the respiratory causes of snoring include ginseng, echinacea, chrysanthemum flower and garlic, according to "The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook," which recommends a treatment of ginger tea with honey to treat any upper respiratory infections that could be leading to snoring. Tangerine peel is used in Chinese medicine to reduce mucus in the lungs, which can also vibrate and cause snoring sounds.
Nasal Acupuncture
Nasal acupuncture is the recommended treatment for conditions involving heat and nasal symptoms. According to the "Encyclopedic Reference of Traditional Chinese Medicine," nasal acupuncture is performed by "needling particular points on the nose." For heat related conditions, cold needling, also known as pure needling, is recommended. Nasal acupuncture should be performed by a trained acupuncturist.
Weight Loss as Treatment
For some people, obesity can be the underlying cause of snoring. In traditional Chinese medicine, Lu's "Comprehensive Guide" calls for eating winter melon and yam as a cure for obesity. An example of an herbal treatment recipe to prepare winter melon is to boil the winter melon meat in water and consume it as a soup. Winter melon is a gourd, a popular ingredient in Chinese soups, which is also eaten as a vegetable. Winter melon is high in fiber and low in calories, so eating it can make you feel more full and encourage weight loss.