Qi Gong Exercises & Good Health
Breathing Methods
Breathing, particularly in the abdomen as opposed to the chest, is a very important component of Qi Gong. There are a few breathing methods. In one, for example, your stomach should push outward on the inhale and contract on the exhale. This ensures that you are using your diaphragm for breathing, the preferred method for Qi Gong breathing. You should be relaxed and comfortable when doing any Qi Gong exercise.
The Eight Standard Qi Gong Exercises
Although there are a number of more specialized exercises, there are eight exercises that are the most common in qi gong. They are called the Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong; they are the basis of tai chi but are also used in more-rigorous Qi Gong programs.
Qi Gong for Poor Health
There are several specific exercises in Qi Gong for poor health. The main one, which induces the flow of Qi throughout the body, is also good as a preventative measure. Specific Qi Gong exercises exist for asthma, constipation and hemorrhoids, among other conditions, but the induction of Qi through the body can help in easing more-general ailments as well. In some cases, a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine with expertise in Qi Gong may recommend a unique exercise for your Qi requirements.
Qi Gong for Sexual Health
Qi Gong is known for its exercises for sexual health and vitality. Although there are a number of exercises specific to either men or women, some can be done by both sexes. In Chinese medicine, sex affects the Qi, and these exercises can be used to treat sexual dysfunctions as well as to increase sexual energy.
Warm-Down Exercises
Like most exercises that focus on the muscles, a Qi Gong practice requires a warm-down. Warm-down exercises help the Qi to regulate itself and dissipate throughout the body.