Chinese Herbs That Speed Up the Metabolism
Chi Balance
Metabolism is tied to the concept of "chi" in Chinese medicine. Chi is the life force that is present in all living things. An out-of-balance chi can be in one of four states: hot, cold, warm or cool. In many cases, people with low metabolic rates will have a chi that is either cool or cold. By increasing the temperature of the chi, metabolism will increase. A number of herbs are good for increasing chi heat, and, as a result, your metabolic rate.
Sheng Jiang/Ginger
Sheng jiang, or fresh ginger, is a good way to add heat to a chi that is too cool. By increasing the heat of the chi, metabolic rate increases. Fresh ginger can either be eaten by itself or used in cooking. Fresh ginger can often be cooked with a vegetable as a spice or added to a stirfry.
Chuan Jiao/Peppercorn
Chuan jiao, or Szchuan peppercorn, is one of the ingredients of Chinese five-spice powder. Szchuan peppercorn is a common spice whose ability to increase chi temperature links it to increases in metabolism. It can be used in a number of dishes or taken in capsule form.
Rou Gui/Cinnamon
Rou gui, or cinnamon, is often prescribed for people with low metabolic rates. Cinnamon increases heat in the chi, and also has positive effects on blood sugar, muscle spasms and back pain. It can be eaten as a spice or taken in capsule form.
Xiao Hui Xiang/Fennel
Xiao hui xiang, or fennel, is often prescribed for cold chi, and its companion condition of low metabolism. Xiao hui xiang generally refers to fennel seeds, and not to the vegetable grown from the seeds. In addition to helping raise metabolism, xiao hui xiang can be used to increase lactation and increase libido. It can also help with back pains.