How to Use a Swing Master Chi Machine
Lie on your back and place the Swing Master Chi Machine in front of you. The back of the machine, with the grooves on top for your feet, should be facing you and the front of the machine should be facing forward so it slopes down away from you.
Hold the control in your hand. It has a round button to adjust the speed and the time of the machine, and is attached to the Chi Machine by a chord.
Position your arms either flat by your sides, behind your head or stretched flat beside your head.
Turn the knob on the control to the desired time limit. Start out at 5 minutes if you are a beginner. The machine will begin to move.
Turn the control to adjust the speed if it is too fast or not fast enough. It should be relaxing, but never painful.
Relax and focus on letting your entire body, even your neck, move with the wave motion of the machine. It does the work for you, but you have to relax.
Wait 3 to 5 minutes after the machine stops before sitting up. Lie on your back and when the 3 to 5 minutes has passed, roll slowly onto your side before gently pushing yourself onto your feet.
Drink a glass of water to help your body function at its best.
Use the Chi Machine once before breakfast and once an hour or two before bed. Gradually increase the time until you use the machine for 15 minutes during each session. Never go past 15 or you may feel sick.