Chinese Cancer Cures
Recognition of Cancer in Chinese Medicine
Only in recent years, after the influx of European-based medicine, has Chinese medicine recognized a malignant tumor as a primary disease. In the past, the tumor was viewed as a symptom of an out of balance physical system. The cancer was considered a product of a body being out of balance, and it was assumed that once the body was brought back into balance, the cancer would recede.
Toad Venom
In 2008, Dr. Lorenzo Cohen of the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas traveled to Shanghai to test the effectiveness of the cancer fighting properties of a particular local indigenous toad. Chinese researchers had found that a combination of western medical treatments with the addition of the venom of this particular toad increased cancer survival rates dramatically. After looking at the effects of the venom, Dr. Cohen discovered that the venom did, indeed, induce death in cancerous cells, thus shrinking the tumor.
Treating the Chi
More traditional Chinese treatments for cancer are often coupled with western treatments. These treatments can include balancing the chi. The chi is defined as the "life force" attached to all living beings. Cancer is sometimes viewed as a result of the chi being out of balance. Treatments based on chi are individualized for each patient. A Chinese medical practitioner will prescribe herbs to bring a patient's chi back into balance. Balancing the chi is an integral part of preventing the return of a cancerous tumor treated with Western medical techniques.
Using Chinese Medicine to Treat Side Effects of Western Medicine
In some cases, Chinese chi-balancing medicine is used to treat side effects of Western cancer treatments. The Chinese treatments have been used to treat nausea and discomfort associated with chemotherapy. In cases where a patient's immune system has been damaged by the cancer treatment, Chinese medicine has been used to bring the immune system back to natural health.