Herbal Remedies for Poor Circulation
Understanding the Causes of Poor Circulation
Poor circulation can be caused by a variety of factors, including hypertension, hardening of the arteries, and varicose veins, according to Native Remedies. Although hypertension can occur from a variety of causes, the condition may occur when cholesterol plaque embeds itself along the walls of the arteries, making them constrict and harden; due to this constriction, the blood vessels experience pressure and poor circulation may occur. Hardening of the arteries generally occurs when the arteries narrow due to fatty deposits along the interior of the arteries; those who smoke have an increased risk of hardened arteries. Finally, varicose veins may develop if there is a loss of elasticity in the walls of the veins. This condition also results in poor blood circulation. Because the body relies on blood to transport nutrients, carry oxygen and bathe the muscles, understanding the cause of your poor blood circulation is essential.
Spice Up Your Life With Cayenne
Many homeopathic specialists rely on cayenne pepper to treat poor blood circulation, according to Organic Nutrition, which says the spice is believed to stimulate the heart, resulting in a regulated blood flow and stronger capillaries and arteries. One specific cayenne product, cayenne tincture, works to strengthen the heart, pump blood efficiently, clear the arteries and raise a patient's metabolic rate, Organic Nutrition reports. In addition, cayenne creams and infused oils may be rubbed into the skin, although sensitive areas, including the nose and eyes, are to be avoided.
Eat Ginkgo, Garlic and Ginger
Ginkgo, garlic and ginger are also believed to improve blood circulation. In addition to improving memory, ginkgo increases blood flow to the brain and strengthens arteries and heart. In a 2004 study performed by Germany's Commission E, a group specializing in alternative medicine, it was determined that ginkgo can help treat varicose veins and improve blood circulation. The study also found that regular consumption of garlic can lower cholesterol levels and therefore cleanse the blood and strengthen the heart. Ginger is also praised for its ability to stimulate bodily tissue and improve blood circulation and should be consumed daily by patients who suffer from poor circulation, Organic Nutrition recommends.