About Chinese Acne Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (T.C.M.) has a recorded history of 2,500 years. However, the exact origins of this practice are considered more of a legend than factual history. This form of medicine uses not only herbal remedies, but also spiritual philosophies, which are linked to Buddhist and Taoist origins. Within this form of healing, acne is linked to other parts of the body that are unhealthy. Since the belief of T.C.M. revolves around the human body consisting of interconnected systems that must work in unison for a healthy body, treating acne stems into treating other issues within the body.
Chinese acne medicine creates a healthier body by introducing various herbs and lifestyle practices to treat this skin condition. According to traditional beliefs, the human body works through an intricate system that is connected, so when one part of this system, such as your skin, is malfunctioning, correcting this issue will allow your entire being to operate as one (yin and yang). By introducing balance into your life, your skin will improve as well as your entire body.
There are two main types of Chinese acne medicine, which include internal healing as well as the use of external applications. Acne is cause by your hormonal system being disrupted. With the internal healing aspect of Chinese acne medicine, you will stand with your feet being shoulder-length apart and your arms stretched to the front with your fingers interlocked. When you inhale, you lift your hands so they go over your head and during the exhale; you move your torso from left to right. You inhale once more and during the exhale you return to the starting position. By doing this ten times, your body will relieve stress and will coax your hormonal system to operate accurately.
Apply one teaspoon of Tee Tree oil directly to your acne via a cotton swab is an effective Chinese acne remedy. Also, using ingredients such as lemon juice, oatmeal and yogurt to create a facial paste is a celebrated Chinese acne treatment.
Traditional Chinese Medicine, such as those used to treat acne, are to be used wisely. Many Chinese acne medicines and treatments use animal products within their ingredient list. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, then you will need to seek the assistance of a T.C.M. practitioner to obtain alternative ingredients.
Chinese acne medicine can clear your skin, but many who undergo these treatments find that the overall stress level within their lives is lowered by using a T.C.M. method. Along with unique ingredients, Chinese acne medicine provides a chance to align your physical and spiritual beings to work in unison, which will create a full-functional and healthy body.