How to Treat TMJ With Yoga
Sit comfortably in a cross-legged position with good posture. Simple meditation with close attention to the jaw muscle can help relax TMJ problems. The key to yoga is breathing. Take long, slow, deep breaths controlled with your abdominal muscles.
Focus on relaxing your jaw area. Let thoughts come and go without giving them attention. Simply breathe deeply and feel your muscles let go. Focus on relaxing your tongue and eyes. These regions help relax the jaw.
Try some yoga poses that bring blood flow to the jaw area without putting pressure on the area. Skip complex headstands and stay with something simpler. The downward facing dog position where the hands and feet touch the ground while the body is bent in an inverted "V" position is a good one.
Find out if your shoulders are uneven or rotated. Many individuals report that TMJ symptoms improve as they treat shoulder problems. Stand in front of a mirror and examine your shoulders' symmetry. Chances are you already know if you carry tension there. Focus on relaxing your shoulder muscles during meditation.
Choose yoga postures that ease neck and shoulder tension. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Raise your pelvis off the ground and shift your weight onto your shoulders. Raise your arms above your head at the same time. This position is perfect for relieving shoulder tension.
Focus on your neck muscles by gently stretching your chin forward to meet your chest and then move your head from side to side. Inhale deeply and then exhale as you slowly stretch without forcing your muscles. Take several deep breaths in each stretching position. Also, gently roll the neck.
Bring your shoulders up to your neck as you breath in. Let them go as you exhale. Roll your shoulders gently while continuing to breath deeply. Repeat these steps often and as many times as necessary to relieve tension.