How to Use Cloisonne Balls
Things You'll Need
- Cloisonné
Select a pair of cloisonné balls of a size that you can easily manipulate. The balls typically range from 1 inch in diameter to more than 2 inches in diameter. A beginner can usually handle the smaller balls more easily.
Hold both cloisonné balls in the palm of one hand.
Rotate both balls around each other, in the direction that seems most natural. Use your palm, fingers and thumbs to get the balls to rotate. Keep the balls together in constant contact so that they don't bang together. When you first begin, you may need to tilt your palm at various angles to get the balls to move. Once you have the first direction down, rotate the Baoding balls in the opposite direction.
Practice the motion in both directions until you can perform it smoothly without tilting your palm. Next, challenge yourself to perform the same rotating or orbiting motion while keeping the balls separate. They should move around each other in the palm of your hand without every touching. Continue to use your palm, fingers and thumb to execute this movement. Practice moving the balls in both directions.