Different Pressure Points
Martial Arts and Self Defense
Most forms of martial arts manipulate pressure points. They are sensitive areas which, if struck, can disable an attacker quickly and with minimal effort. There are hundreds of pressure points, but you only need to have a few in your self-defense arsenal. On the head, the throat just under the Adam's apple and the point where the nose and upper lip meet are sensitive areas to strike that can cause damage and pain. Squeezing the bone about an inch above an attacker's elbow or the fleshy webbing between thumb and forefinger can cause intense pain. And on the foot, the instep, right about where the shoelaces are, is a very sensitive spot.
Reflexology uses pressure points on the feet, hands and ears which connect to corresponding reflex points in the body. Applying pressure to your toes, for example, can relieve headache and, according to reflexologists, cure ailments of the brain.
Related to acupuncture, but without the use of needles, acupressure uses a complex map of pressure points. These points can release muscle tension and improve circulation. Acupressurists claim that applying pressure to these points can also improve the flow of energy throughout the body, healing many ailments.
Headache Cures
One of the most common uses for pressure points is to cure headache. Start at the back of the head, find the point on either side of your spine where your skull meets your neck and gently press down with circular motions. Next, move forward to your temples, massaging gently. Right between your eyebrows, with one or two fingers, push inward. Next, gently press the webbing between your thumb and forefinger. Move to your feet; this pressure point is located between your big and second toes. Breath deeply and slowly as you apply pressure to all points.
First Aid
The pressure points that mark arteries are the most critical ones to learn. They may save your life. On the inside of the arm, above the elbow and below the armpit are pressure points for the brachial artery. At the bikini line of the groin is the pressure point for the femoral artery and just behind the knee is the pressure point for the popliteal artery. Arterial pressure points should only be used if direct pressure and elevation have failed to staunch the flow of blood from an open wound.