How to Find a Doctor of Chinese Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture has been practiced in the West for several centuries, yet many Americans have never visited a doctor who practices this discipline. You can find a physician down who practices Chinese medicine by pursuing several avenues.


    • 1

      Ask your friends, family and coworkers for a recommendation.

    • 2

      Contact a local accredited school that offers a degree in Chinese medicine and ask for a list of doctors they would recommend.

    • 3

      Look on the Internet, particularly on the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine website at Once you locate an institution in your area, search their site or give them a call. Inquire if they have a list of graduates who practice in your area.

    • 4

      Search the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine website at Just like in Western medicine, a reputable practitioner of Chinese medicine will be nationally certified.

    • 5

      Search a Chinese medical doctor's state certification by entering your state's name and the words "acupuncture" and "licensing" into a Web search.

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