Jogging After Chiropractic Adjustments
Chiropractic Treatment
People who choose to see chiropractors go for a myriad of reasons, from back, leg and neck pain to irritable bowel syndrome. Chiropractic adjustments are designed to relieve nerve pressure and realign joints for optimal function. Some patients choose to visit their chiropractors for a regular maintenance plan, while others choose to receive adjustments only when they feel symptoms or are injured.
Niskayuna Life Chiropractic recommends daily exercise as one of the best ways to improve the health of the spine, including the surrounding muscles, ligaments and nervous system. Exercise can help stimulate healing and set up the optimal circumstances for injury prevention. Unfortunately, traumatic or overuse injury can put the brakes on an intense exercise routine. If this happens, it is important to stay active by moderating your regular exercise. Running and jogging might cause too much impact to an injured spine.
Jogging can cause shock to the joints of your body. If a chiropractor recommends that you do not jog after your adjustment, or if you feel very sore, then walking might be a better alternative. The body heals better when it stays active, so choose low-impact, gentle motions. According to, engaging in low-impact exercise can help improve back pain symptoms. The clinic recommends walking and strengthening the core, which includes the lower back and abdomen. Listen to your body and back off on intensity of exercise during a symptom flare-up.
Avoid Re-Injury
If you are a dedicated jogger, it can be very frustrating to stop jogging due to a painful injury. As tempting as it may be to “run through” the pain, be sure that you are not running the risk of re-injuring yourself. Brisk walking, weights and floor exercises can help to build and heal the injured areas. Introducing jogging only gradually and with the advice of a trained health professional will help your body heal and avoid further injury.