How to Treat TBI With a Chiropractor
Chiropractic for TBI
Finding a Doctor of Chiropractic is as easy as asking friends and family for recommendations. When looking for a chiropractor, consider technique, location, availability and billing processes. Many chiropractors will offer a free consultation to allow new patients to meet the doctor and staff and to discuss their concerns. Some chiropractors do cranial manipulation that may relieve headaches and other discomfort.
On your first visit, a chiropractic office will have you fill out health forms that include what is currently causing problems and your health history. These forms are confidential and need to be filled out completely in order to receive the best care possible. Have insurance information and a photo ID ready when you are filling out paperwork.
At your first visit, you'll provide a current and past health history. This will give the doctor more answers about your situation, discomfort that you are experiencing and causes of pain. The doctor will examine you and take radiographs to check for instability, fracture and structure. Depending on the chiropractor and his office procedures, adjustments and physiotherapies may or may not occur during the first visit.
The Doctor of Chiropractic will explain to you the adjustment procedures before they begin. These procedures vary greatly depending on the chiropractor and the office. Most chiropractors will concentrate on the most painful areas. The chiropractor will also focus on the type of trauma that caused your TBI. Whiplash is a common co-factor to TBIs and will intensify the symptoms of pain in the muscles, headache, dizziness, tinnitus and many other symptoms associated with TBIs.
Before or after a chiropractic adjustment, the chiropractor may use physiotherapies to treat the muscles. The most commonly used physiotherapies are electric muscle stimulation, ultrasound, ice, heat, traction or cold laser. These physiotherapies will assist in relaxing and retraining the muscles.
Many chiropractors will recommend changes in posture, ergonomics and habits to assist in your healing. These may include a new pillow, icing or heating. They may also recommend at-home exercises to stretch the muscles and strengthening exercises to support proper structures. These recommendations are typically made during follow-up visits that will occur during your course of treatments.