Chiropractor Tricks
Keep in mind that while some chiropractic techniques may seem like magic tricks because of the sometimes-rapid recovery from discomfort or pain, chiropractors are medical professionals who have studied their craft to practice safely and effectively. Chiropractors must be properly licensed.
Adjusting The Atlas Vertebra
The atlas vertebra structure is the neck's top cervical bone, which can affect the entire spine's alignment. Misaligned atlas structures can cause the head to tilt, creating stress on the spine, according to Atlas Orthogonality, an online chiropractic resource. One chiropractor trick is to adjust the atlas orthogonal, relieving tension and stress in the spine. Chiropractors measure the atlas vertebra, determining its exact location and misalignment with the possible use of x-rays. The chiropractor can then safely make necessary adjustments.
Cerebrospinal Fluid Technique (CSFT)
Another chiropractic trick is the cerebrospinal fluid technique, which aims to improve the flow of cerebrospinal fluid using palpations along the spine, from the coccyx to the cranium, according to Heal Touch, an online alternative health resource. Low-impact movements help stimulate the spine, releasing cerebrospinal fluids.
Directional No-Force Technique
This chiropractic trick allows chiropractors to work with patients using a gentle, specialized technique that permits the body to provide physiological cues on misalignments or problem areas, according to No Force, an online resource for the technique. Chiropractors may use their thumbs to apply gentle force in specific areas to ease pain or correct misalignments along areas of both soft and bony tissues.
Motion Palpation
Another chiropractic trick is motion palpation, a diagnostic technique that allows chiropractors to detect joint dysfunction along the spinal column, legs, arms and neck, according to the Motion Palpation Institute, an organization that educates chiropractors.
Nerve Assist
Nerve assist is a chiropractic trick advocated by Scientologists, according to the group's website. The technique is grounded in the idea that 12 major nerves running near the spine can cause nearby muscles to tense for long periods of time, eventually pulling the spinal column out of alignment. Chiropractors use two index fingers to apply downward and upward strokes along the spine, eventually spreading the fingers to stroke nerves all along the back. This chiropractic trick is administered until the person being treated feels decreased pressure and pain relief.