Ion Cleansing Detoxification
The Process
The ionic cleansing process is very simple. Place warm water in the footbath tub along with the machine and plates. Place your feet into the bath. In the course of the 30 minutes with the machine on, water molecules will be separated into the hydrogen and oxygen molecules, and ions with a charge will be made neutral. The change in charge is what allows the toxic ions to be pulled from your body. The process generally takes about 30 minutes; the color of the water should indicate what type of toxin release you had.
Understanding Your Results
Each person will have different results. Though results vary, there is a chart to indicate the possible colors the water can turn and how to interpret the results. The water may contain flecks. Black flecks suggest heavy metals were released from your body, while red flecks represent blood clot materials. If the water result is yellow-green in color, this suggests purifying the urinary tract and kidneys. Eliminating waste from the joints yields an orange water. Brown suggests you are a heavy tobacco user and that your liver is being cleared. Black water represents more intense liver detoxification, while dark green represents toxins from the gall bladder. White foam in the water means you have helped to clear out the gunk from your lymphatic system.
The issue with this method is that there has been no empirical data to suggest it works. There are many "testimonials" that may or may not be true, along with the theory of how ions and molecules work. Many of these products' advertisements come with disclosures that results are subjective to each person and that there is no way for a person to know if it works other than trying it for themselves. This could suggest a placebo affect which those who are feeling a greater well-being are willing to accept. The skeptics are not so accepting since the therapies run $30 to $50 per session, with the machines costing nearly $3,000.