Prevention of Subluxation
Exercise strengthens the muscles of the body, which helps prevent subluxation. When the body's muscles are toned and strong, the joints are better protected when faced with accidents like blows or falls. According to Palmer Chiropractic College, improved muscle tone from regular exercise helps the spine stay aligned properly. The type of activity does not matter, provided it is not a high-impact activity. Choose something you enjoy doing and get active.
In addition, exercise keeps the joints, including the joints in the spine, flexible. This means they are less prone to "locking up," or becoming stiff, which causes subluxation. Finally, exercise helps individuals cope with emotional stressors that could lead to subuluxation from stress-induced muscular tension.
Poor posture, particularly postures that are habitual, can be a major cause of subluxation. For instance, if you regularly slouch in your chair, sit on a leg or cross your legs or ankles when sitting, you are going to gradually pull your spine out of alignment. Learn to sit straight and keep your feet flat on the floor. Changing your posture will take time, as you have developed your habits over many years, but it will improve your spinal alignment.
Talk to your chiropractor about your sleeping position. If you regularly sleep on your stomach with your head turned or on your side with a hip thrown over slightly so your knees both touch the mattress, your sleeping posture could be throwing your spine out of alignment.
If necessary, buy equipment that will help you improve your posture. A back support pillow on your office chair and a body pillow in bed to help you sleep properly are excellent choices.
Repetitive Motion
If you repeat the same motion over and over throughout the day, such as if you are working on an assembly line or are constantly typing, you are more prone to subluxation of the various joints of the body. Try to eliminate repetitive motion, and if this is not possible, take regular breaks to perform a different motion with that body part. Also, adjust your posture while performing the repetitive task so that you put less stress on your back.
Natural Living
Dr. Vick Strang from Palmer Chiropractic College indicates that living naturally can help the spine stay properly aligned. This refers to eating natural foods and eliminating processed sugars, fat and alcohol consumption. Water also aids in preventing subluxation, as being properly hydrated helps reduce problems with chronic inflammation, which can eventually lead to spinal subluxation. Natural living also uses medications only when absolutely necessary, rather than resorting to them at the first sign of a cold or pain. Managing stress, becoming more active and taking time to enjoy life are also a part of a natural lifestyle.