Chiropractor Techniques
Chiropractors manipulate the joints and spine by applying pressure and moving the extremities beyond the normal limits imposed by the muscles. Bringing the spine into alignment can help relieve pain and tension, resulting in an increase in overall health. Relaxation during spinal manipulation is extremely important, and a chiropractor may use massage, heat or ice to relax the surrounding muscles before performing a manipulation. The release of gases in the joint capsule can create cracking or popping sounds during manipulation. Manipulations can result in further injury and joint stress, so it is important to talk to your chiropractor and consider seeking a second opinion about your treatment plan to minimize these risks.
Activator Methods
Activator chiropractic techniques use a spring-loaded mallet to strike various points along the spine and pelvis to align the legs. Chiropractors analyze the length of a patient's legs to determine if the pelvis is misaligned, causing lower back, hip and leg pain. A survey conducted by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners in 2003 found that 69.9 percent of full-time American chiropractors regularly used activator methods in their practices.
Applied Kinesiology
Many chiropractors use methods of applied kinesiology to help balance and mobilize the muscles surrounding an injured or misaligned joint. Scientific studies have not found sufficient evidence supporting the positive effects of applied kinesiology on joint health, but some patients report pain relief from these methods. Chiropractors often use gentle massage and acupressure points to treat affected muscles.
Thompson Technique
Like activator methods, the Thompson technique involves analyzing the patient's legs to determine if the length or misalignment is responsible for pain. Chiropractors use a drop table to help target specific joints after a gentle thrust from the chiropractor.
Sacro-Occipital Technique
The sacro-occipital technique attempts to control the pressure of cerebrospinal fluid, which some chiropractors think is the cause of pressure on the nerves. A chiropractor will analyze the spine from the base of the skull to the tailbone to determine where to apply pressure to alleviate sensitive areas.
Cox Flexion/Distraction
Some chiropractors claim that the Cox flexion/distraction technique may eliminate the need for back surgery. Chiropractic patients with chronic low back pain often find relief from this technique, which involves flexing various joints and muscles on a special table designed to increase range of motion. Chiropractors commonly use this technique for patients with sciatica, herniated disks and chronic headaches.