How to Benefit From Chiropractic Adjustment
Visit your chiropractor on a regular basis. Follow the prescribed adjustment schedule your doctor sets up for you. You'll get the most benefit from a chiropractic adjustment by getting that adjustment when you need it, as often as you need it.
Avoid doing what brought you into the chiropractor's office in the first place. If sitting at a computer where the chair and desk are not ergonomically correct, for instance, is what led you to chiropractic care, make the necessary changes to your computer area.
Keep your feet planted evenly when standing for long periods of time. Many people tend to shift their weight on one leg, throwing the back out of alignment. Proper posture at all times will help you get the most benefit from a chiropractic adjustment.
Follow any stretching or exercise regime your chiropractor prescribes. Flexibility and strengthening the back muscles are essential to hold a chiropractic adjustment longer, thus getting the most benefit from your treatment.
Walk around after getting an adjustment. Get your muscles and joints used to having your body aligned properly. Chances are your body has gotten used to being misaligned. You'll best benefit from a chiropractic adjustment if you allow your body to relax and accept the result of an adjustment before sitting or driving.