How to Get a Chiropractic Neck Adjustment
Learn the benefits of chiropractic treatment. These include better circulation, the removal of lactic acid from the body, increased delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the blood, better flexibility, a reduction in pain and soreness, fewer muscle spasms and a lowered chance of future injury.
Have the chiropractor find out which vertebrae in your neck are out of alignment. Lie face down on the chiropractor's table with your feet hanging off the edge and your arms hanging down loosely. The chiropractor may use a light force activator on each vertebra to ascertain its alignment (or lack thereof) and to slide it gently back into place.
Get a more physical adjustment. Lie on your back on the chiropractor's table, feet shoulder-width apart, hands relaxed at your sides. The chiropractor grasps your head in his hands at the base of your neck. He moves your head from side to side and pops the neck back into alignment.