What do to the letters mean after a chiropractors name?

The following are abbreviations you may see after a Chiropractors name:

DC - Doctor of Chiropractic. This is the most common abbreviation used by chiropractors.

DACB - Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board. This means the chiropractor has passed a rigorous examination process and is certified by the American Chiropractic Board.

FACO - Fellow of the American College of Chiropractic Orthopedists. This means the chiropractor has completed additional training in chiropractic orthopedics.

FCAC - Fellow of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. This means the chiropractor has completed additional training in chiropractic care.

FICCM - Fellow of the International College of Chiropractors. This means the chiropractor has completed additional training in chiropractic care.

MCS - Master of Chiropractic Science. This is a postgraduate degree that is typically earned by chiropractors who want to specialize in a certain area of chiropractic care.

PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Chiropractic. This is the highest degree that a chiropractor can earn. It typically requires several years of study and research.

There are many different abbreviations after chiropractors’ names and these are just some of the most common ones.

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