Questions for a Chiropractor
What Can Chiropractic Help?
Chiropractic care can be a helpful adjunct to a general wellness routine or to treat specific neck, back and joint pain. Spine-related back pain, headaches and arm and leg discomfort may be alleviated through adjustment or manipulation of the joints--particularly of the spine--for pain reduction and greater joint mobility.
Is it Safe?
Chiropractic care is adjusted to each patient's needs. Children to elderly adults may benefit from regular chiropractic treatment to address individual concerns. The American Chiropractic Association recognizes chiropractic treatment as one with a high safety record. As with all medical treatment, there are risks associated with chiropractic care, but they are considered minimal.
What's the Popping Sound?
Sometimes a "pop" is heard when chiropractic adjustments are performed. The adjustment creates a change of air pressure between joints which makes a harmless popping sound when the air is released.
Does Health Insurance Cover It?
Most health insurance plans provide coverage for chiropractic care. Because a chiropractor is considered a first-contact physician, no prior referral is necessary from a general primary care physician before receiving chiropractic care. It is prudent to know, however, the number of chiropractic visits your individual health insurance plan will cover annually.