The Purpose of a Chiropractor
According to the World Chiropractic Alliance, the science of chiropractic as it is known in the early part of the 21st century was developed by Daniel David Palmer, a Canadian who practiced magnetic therapy in the United States. Palmer realized the link between certain conditions suffered by his patients and staff were connected with spinal problems and began maneuvering his patients' backs to attempt to solve the problems he found. Palmer named his new discipline chiropractic from the Greek words chiro meaning hand, and practice meaning practice or operation.
The World Chiropractic Alliance reports that the main treatment used by a chiropractor is the spinal adjustment, during which the problems diagnosed by the chiropractor in the spine of the patient are treated. To perform an adjustment, the chiropractor applies pressure to the bone that is diagnosed as out of place; the bones that are adjusted are the vertebrae within the spinal column. The adjustment ends when the vertebrae has been freed from the incorrect position it has begun to occupy. World Chiropractic Alliance explains that the purpose of the chiropractor is to free the vertebrae and not to replace it in the correct position; the body itself will move the bone back to the correct position.
Irvine Family Chiropractic explains that the discipline of chiropractic healing is to use the natural healing processes of the body to solve problems within the body. The purpose of a chiropractor is to diagnose and treat medical conditions without the use of medications or surgical procedures. The incorrect alignment of the spine and other parts of the body can result in weakened muscles or halt the proper functioning of certain organs of the body.
Irvine Family Chiropractic reports that chiropractic healing can be used to treat skeletal problems caused by a number of issues. Problems can be caused to the alignment of the body by a number of daily activities, including sports and automobile injuries, work stresses and the problems caused by the lifestyle of the 21st century.
Realignment of the spinal column, according to World Chiropractic Alliance, can have an effect on every aspect of the body. This is because almost every major nerve in the body sends electrical messages through the spinal column affecting every organ and cell in the body. The purpose of chiropractic alignment is to reduce the interference caused by incorrect alignment, allowing the body to heal itself.