Chiropractor Therapy
Spinal Manipulation
Spinal manipulation is a common form of manual chiropractic treatment that involves adjusting joints and muscles in your back and neck. A chiropractor will position you in such a way as to isolate the involved joint from others and then apply a physical thrust to your joint's surface. This in turn causes a popping sound, which is caused by the release of gas bubbles in your joint's lubricating fluid. Spinal manipulation is known to provide temporary relief of musculoskeletal pain, increased health of the central nervous system, increased range of motion and faster recovery time from acute back pain. As with all medical procedures, spinal manipulation can cause side effects, such as headaches, local discomfort, fatigue and stroke.
Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger point therapy is a type of chiropractic therapy that restores muscle tissues by applying pressure to various trigger points on your body. Trigger points are hyperirritable spots located in taut bands of muscle fibers that usually cause pain in other parts of your body. Chiropractors locate these trigger points and apply pressure in a series of massage treatments to reduce pain, increase blood circulation, flexibility, range of motion and coordination. If you have any open sores or recent injuries, you should wait until you are recovered before beginning trigger point therapy.
Sacral Occipital Technique
The sacral occipital technique (SOT) places emphasis on two important structures of your body, the pelvis and the cranium. Your pelvis supports your head, neck, spine and internal organs, and your brain helps to control and maintain these features through your nervous system. Thus, proper alignment, balance and function of your pelvis, cranium, spine and organs are essential to your health. Your chiropractor will pose your body in certain positions and will then perform manipulative reflex and manual techniques to correct any problems caused by abnormal anatomy and/or nerve problems. According to the Sacro Occipital Research Society, the chance of injury is very small and many patients feel improvement in a short time.
Specialized Fields
Chiropractors who specialize in certain medical fields offer many types of specialized chiropractic therapy techniques. For example, chiropractic neurologists have advanced knowledge in treating conditions of the nervous system, brain and spine with specialized chiropractic therapy treatments. Common ailments they treat include headaches, nerve injuries, vertigo, learning and attention disorders, developmental disorders, spinal cord injuries and movement disorders. Therapy treatments you could receive involve physical manipulation, ultrasound, MRI scans, X-rays, balance and coordination activities, cognitive exercises, physical exercise and nutritional modification. Other chiropractors specialize in such fields as radiology, orthopedics, pediatrics, acupuncture, applied chiropractic sciences, forensics, nutrition, rehabilitation, upper cervical spine and sports injuries.
You should receive chiropractic therapy only from chiropractors who are licensed by their state and have attended an accredited chiropractic institution, received a degree in Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) and passed the national exam administered by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. If you want to see a chiropractor that is specialized in a certain area, make sure he has received further education in that field and earned a "diplomate" (advanced) educational status and state licensure.