How to Report Problems With Chiropractors
Fill out a police report at the law enforcement agency nearest the chiropractor's office if you believe a crime has been committed. Provide details, including the name and address of the chiropractor, and describe the incident. Use the case number of the report to follow up.
File a lawsuit. Hire an attorney to represent you or file the case yourself in small claims court, if you are seeking less than $10,000.
Report the chiropractor to the Better Business Bureau in your area (see Resources). This organization attempts to resolve consumer complaints, promotes business ethics and keeps track of negative reports against local businesses.
Write a letter of complaint to your state chiropractic board (see Resources). There are chiropractic licensing and regulatory boards in each state that investigate cases including sexual misconduct, negligence, incompetence, unlicensed practice and misleading advertising. Disciplinary action can range from a citation to a license revocation.
Complain to the American Chiropractic Association (see Resources). This organization can take disciplinary action only against registered members, and the most extreme action is a discontinued membership.