Chiropractic Manipulation & Stroke Risk
Stroke Risk Factors
Your risk of stroke increases with age. With each decade it doubles, according to Dr. George Jacob from Males have a higher risk. But more females die as a result of strokes. Heredity and race are also factors. African-Americans have twice as many strokes as white Americans.
Chiropractic Stroke Risk
According to a study reported in the scientific journal Spine, there was no increased risk of a vertebrobasilar (VBA) stroke when chiropractic care was compared to primary care treatment. In an earlier study from Spine, it was estimated that 1 in 200,000 patients may have a "serious adverse event" after chiropractic care. This might include stroke, but also included other outcomes.
General Risks of Chiropractic Care
The risks associated with chiropractic care are dizziness, hospital admission due to worsening of symptoms, development of new symptoms and incapacity from symptoms that stay the same or worsen.
Chiropractic Safety
Malpractice insurance for chiropractors is quite low compared to other doctors, states Dr. Rob Gottesman, a Colorado chiropractor. In general, chiropractic care is considered an extremely safe modality, according to the International Chiropractor's Association.
Chiropractic Techniques
Manual manipulation is the use of the chiropractor's hands, or a specialized table that can drop, to make high-force and high-velocity spinal adjustments. A patient may feel "cracking" or a release during these procedures. The risk of stroke is low with manual therapy.
But non- or low-force chiropractic adjustments decrease stroke risk even more. These techniques might include gentle touch, use of the "Activator" tool, or applied kinesiology (unique techniques used to balance muscles attached to bones).