Chiropractic Cures for Bone Spurs
A bone spur, or osteophyte, is a misleading name. While the name implies that something (most likely a nerve) is being spurred by a bony protrusion, it is actually quite opposite. An osteophyte is a smoothed, bony structure that is the result of degeneration of the bone. A spur rarely ever 'spurs' anything; instead, it is simply a bony protrusion caused by the body to help stabilize weakened areas of the body.
Bone spurs are the body's way of strengthening a weakened area. This is why most people find that they have spurs in their joints. Joints are naturally weaker areas, and as we age, the joints can become even weaker, causing the body to build up defenses. However, bone spurs do not just spontaneously occur. When a bone spur is discovered within the body, there is usually another, possibly unknown, pre-existing condition that is promoting the bony growth, such as osteoarthritis, arthritis or plantar fasciitis. When these joint attacking conditions occur, bone spurs will appear.
Chiropractic Care
As many arthritis patient know, there is little in the way of medicines which can alleviate the pain, inflammation and swelling associated with this disease. There is even less for bone spurs, unless the patient is in such pain and is unable to function that surgery to remove the spur is necessary. Yet, many arthritis patients are finding that chiropractic care can help eliminate the pain by reducing the inflammation the irritation in nerves associated with the joints and by improving mobility. As the joint weakens, the patient will lose mobility. When this occurs, the nerve can become even more inflamed, increasing the pain and discomfort. Chiropractic care can help with these issues, by helping the joint to heal naturally. Continuous chiropractic care can ease the pain and discomfort; though it will not be able to cure the bone spur altogether, it can help slow the degenerative process and improve the quality of life and mobility that patients have.
There are no cures for bone spurs and their associated medical conditions, but chiropractic care can dramatically assist patients in pain relief while slowing, if not reversing, the degenerative process in the bones. Many patients find that they can return to their former lifestyles with continuous chiropractic care and have little need for pain medications or surgery. As with any new treatment, it is best to consult your physician before beginning, to ensure that chiropractic care is right for you.