Chiropractic Therapy for MS

Multiple Sclerosis, or MS, is a debilitating disease which can lead to paralysis. It's caused by a malfunctioning immune system which destroys the protective coating around the nerves. After that coating is gone, some parts of the body have difficulty communicating with the brain, which results in the inability to move those parts of the body. Although multiple sclerosis cannot be cured, there are many treatment options available. One therapy that's gaining ground as a possible treatment option for MS is chiropractic care.
  1. Clinical Trials

    • Although there have not been widespread clinical trials on how well chiropractic care treats multiple sclerosis, there have been a few smaller studies done by individual chiropractors.

      One of these studies was conducted by Dr. Erin Elster in Colorado and published in the Aug. 2, 2004 Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research. Dr. Elster treated 44 MS patients over five years and found that 91 percent of them experienced improved or even reversed MS symptoms. Dr. Elster focused on correcting the patients' neck injuries because previous research showed that head and neck injuries may be a contributing cause for multiple sclerosis.

    Chiropractic Care

    • Chiropractic care focuses on adjusting the spine and neck to provide relief of pain or other health problems by relieving pressure on the nerves. If you suffer from multiple sclerosis and have problems with your spine or legs, you may find relief from some of your symptoms through chiropractic therapy. If you have suffered a head or neck injury, you may also find chiropractic therapy to be especially helpful.

    Trying Chiropractic For Yourself

    • If you decide to try chiropractic therapy for yourself, there are several things you should do to prepare. Call several chiropractors' offices before you make an appointment and ask if they've had much experience treating MS patients. Choose the one with the most experience in treating multiple sclerosis patients. When you arrive for your first appointment, the first thing you should tell your chiropractor is that you're seeking relief from your MS symptoms. She will have several questions to make sure your therapy is geared specifically for multiple sclerosis treatment.

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