How to Adjust the Sinuses With Chiropratic

Chiropractors promote health and wellness by performing manipulations and adjustments to the spinal column, in addition to massaging and stretching the muscles. The realm of chiropractic treatments has gone beyond ailments such as neck and back pain. Patients are now seeking chiropractic care to treat a variety of conditions, including sinus infections, pain and pressure. Chiropractors believe that aligning the neck helps clear the sinus passages and promotes proper drainage of sinus fluids.


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      Locate a chiropractic office in your area that has experience treating sinus conditions. Call the office and ask to schedule a consultation to discuss your condition.

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      Bring any current medications and instructions from your physician with you to your consultation appointment. Be sure to inform the chiropractor of any medical conditions you presently have or have received treatment for in the past.

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      Listen carefully as the chiropractor explains the benefits of chiropractic care in treating sinuses and discusses a personal care plan for you. Ask questions, including what type of treatments he will offer, what you can expect from the treatments and how soon you will start to see results. Take notes if you feel overwhelmed or think you may forget what you are being told.

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      Schedule your first adjustment appointment. Ask the staff if there is anythng you will need to do prior to your appointment, such as taking your prescriptions or purchasing a hot and cold compress.

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      Arrive at your appointment in comfortable clothing that is not restrictive and will allow you to move around on the adjustment table, where you may be lying for quite some time.

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      Remain calm while lying on the adjustment table. Follow the chiropractor's instructions and relax to avoid straining your muscles and creating added tension. Breathe deeply through your nose and out through your mouth if you experience anxiety.

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      Inform your chiropractor of any pain or discomfort that you experience during the adjustment.

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      After your treatment is finished, discuss with your chiropractor any improvement in symptoms that you may experience. Although some symptoms take time to improve, many patients report an immediate decrease in headaches, as well as a decrease in sinus pressure and increased drainage from the sinus cavities as early as the first upper neck adjustment.

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      Schedule follow-up appointments. Be sure to follow your chiropractor's home care instructions.

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