Chiropractic Care for Pinched Nerves
Pinched Nerves
A pinched nerve is referred to in chiropractic as a subluxation. It is a condition in which the spine gets out of alignment because of improper pressure applied on its nerves. This can result in severe pain of the back and an inability of the nerves to convey messages from the brain to the vital organs. This is primarily caused by improper posture and twisting of the vertebral column caused by sudden turns. It can also be caused by injuries. The signs of subluxation include pain in the head, stiffness of the neck and back, pain in the arms and legs or numbness of hands and feet.
Primary Treatment
When a chiropractor comes across a patient who has pinched nerves, a diagnosis of the subluxation is made by doing a detailed neurological, orthopedic and physical examination. At times, an X-ray might also be used to determine the exact location and nature of the subluxation. The chiropractor then makes subtle adjustments to the spine. The chiropractor uses the art of applying specific force to the affected part and moving it in a set direction so that the locked up nerves get released. The small adjustments bring the vertebra back into proper alignment. Small injuries need one or two sessions of spinal manipulation, but more sessions are required for chronic subluxations. The desired outcome is to restore the ability of the pinched nerve to communicate to and from from the brain.
Supplementary Treatment
Once alignment is restored, chiropractors might advise rehabilitative treatments in the form of lifestyle adjustments. Proper and adequate exercise, wholesome nutrition, proper posture and a positive attitude are the main forms of this preventive line of treatment.