Chiropractic Marketing Techniques

Chiropractic services include many things from treating pain in the musculoskeletal system to teaching patients how to prevent pain to helping them find relief from their pain faster. When you want to step up your marketing plan and capitalize on your existing services, you will find that marketing your chiropractic service can be done easily and efficiently.
  1. Product Improvement

    • Your product is the service that you provide to your patients. Primarily this will be things like a comprehensive examination, x-rays if needed and a treatment plan to eliminate the pain from which they are suffering. Perhaps you also offer massage therapy to aid in the treatment process, and you offer nutritional and exercise services to prevent injuries in the first place. The best way to market your service is to constantly work to improve it. Say you only offer massage therapy three days a week; improve this service by hiring an additional massage therapist and offering it five days a week. Instead of following up with your patients for six months after treatment, follow up with them for a year. Continuously working to improve upon your product will make you stand out as a leader in chiropractic services.

    Pricing Specials

    • From your marketing plan, you should have identified the baseline price for chiropractic services in your area. You should know what your competitors are offering and you should offer a special that people can't refuse. Some examples of this would be offering your patients the use of your exercise and nutritional services for a month for free when they schedule three massage therapy visits. Offer a discount to new clients for their first three visits. Offer a free massage therapy session after a new patient's first visit. Use your creativity and think of ways that you can entice clients to your chiropractic business, rather than having them go to your competitors.

    Promotional Techniques

    • Promoting your business is all about telling your target audience about your superior services and your specials. The bottom line is that without promotion, people won't know what you are offering. One technique to promote your business is to teach people about the product you offer. This will make you appear as the expert in your field. You can do this is a few ways. One way is to start a blog. This will allow you to talk about your treatment techniques, explain what you treat and the type of patients with whom you work. You can also advertise your current specials and improved services on your blog.
      Another way to promote your business is to start a mailing list and a newsletter. Send a newsletter to your current patients, potential patients and your referral sources. Make sure to include timely information. For example, if you are offering a free massage therapy session to each new client, communicate that in your newsletter. Likewise, if you have started offering massage therapy five days a week as opposed to three days a week, share that with your audience, too.

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