How Can a Chiropractor Help With Stress Headaches?
Choose a chiropractor who is licensed by your state and who has graduated from an accredited school. Ask your doctor for a referral for chiropractic care. The chiropractor and doctor should work together to treat your condition. Investigate your chiropractor as you would your doctor. Ask for referrals from friends who have found relief for stress headaches from chiropractic treatment.
Finding the Cause
Before beginning chiropractic treatment for your stress headaches, you should make sure that your headaches are not a symptom of a more serious health condition.
A doctor will rely on your description of your symptoms to make the diagnosis of a tension or stress headache. Keep a journal of your headaches with information such as when they occur and a short description of the pain. This will give you more information to provide to the doctor.
The doctor may order tests to make sure that your headaches are not caused by a tumor or aneurysm. A scan of the brain is the best way for the doctor to determine whether these conditions are the cause of your pain. When these conditions have been ruled out and the diagnosis is stress headaches, ask for a referral to a chiropractor from your doctor.
Spinal Manipulation
The chiropractor will use manipulations of the spine and vertebrae anywhere on the spinal column that may be misaligned. The pain that you are experiencing in the form of a headache may be the result of nerve irritation caused by these misalignments.
Allowing the Body to Heal
Use chiropractic care if you are not finding relief from the pain of your stress headaches through traditional methods. Chiropractic care is a natural and alternative treatment method that does not use surgical intervention or drugs.
Discuss your treatment plan with the chiropractor before beginning the spinal adjustments. If the treatment is not working with your chiropractor, revisit your doctor. Another alternative method may be used if chiropractic treatment fails to cure your stress headaches.