Cons of a Chiropractor
Although the majority of patients claim the adjustments made during treatment are quite comfortable, some report pain and discomfort. This does not mean the chiropractor had made a mistake. It is most likely because bones and joints are being manipulated in a different way.
Chiropractic care extends far beyond back pain. However, it is quite limited in the types of conditions that it can cure. Chiropractic care works to restore the flow of the nervous system, which promotes the body's ability to heal. The process can take time and doesn't work for everything.
Return Visits
Chiropractic care involves several visits for most patients. Although these sessions usually result in the patient feeling much better, it also amounts to more time and money.
Chiropractors were seen as alternatives to traditional medicine for a long time. Although they have gained enormous amounts of credibility over the years, some insurance companies are still reluctant to cover the costs. There has been a great deal of change in this area; however, patients are still advised to check their insurance companies policies before undergoing chiropractic treatment. The cost of treatment can add up quickly if it isn't covered by insurance.
Better Alternatives
The Mayo clinic states that Chiropractic care is safe. However, they go on to say that in some cases, rest and relaxation will benefit the body just as much. In cases of lower back pain in which patients simply rest and reduce strain, the majority of discomfort heals on its own.