The Effects of Sunlight on Rose Water
Making Rose Water
Prized in the ancient world as a flavoring for such foods as marzipan and puddings as well as a tonic for the face, rose water can be made when rose petals are available by steeping the petals in water, sometimes with other substances such as alcohol. The liquid can be used in recipes, mixed with oils or applied alone to the face and body as a perfume or antiseptic.
The Healing Uses of Rose Water
In addition to its uses a a flavoring and perfume, rose water acts as an astringent for toning the skin and a topical antiseptic. Natural healing advocates claim that it supports better circulation, aids digestion and can be used as a remedy for diarrhea. Blended with other substances such as creams or oils, it is used to soften skin and improve the complexion.
Chromotherapy and Healing
Chromotherapy is an alternative healing modality with roots in the ancient practice of heliotherapy, or the use of the sun's rays for healing. Today's chromotherapy combines the use of the sun's rays and elements of the visible color spectrum to effect healing of emotional and physical disorders. Practitioners believe the wavelengths of visible light resonate with electromagnetic energy in the body, and that the use of color and sunlight can reverse imbalances on all levels.
Sunlight-Charged Rose Water
One aspect of chromotherapy is the application of sunlight to infusions and distillations of healing liquids made from herbs and flowers such as roses. Chromotherapy practitioners claim that when sunlight is directed into water-based liquids, they become "chromotized" or infused with focused electromagnetic energy from the sun. In this way, their healing properties are enhanced. Proponents of alternative healing modalities recommend using sunlight-charged rose water for healing local inflammations such as styes on the eye or other local skin irritations, as well as for general health support.