Color Therapy for Migraines

Color therapy, or chromotherapy, is an alternative form of medicine based on the idea that because colors resonate at different frequencies, certain colors can treat different problems in the body by resonating the frequency that the body lacks in order to heal itself. While this treatment is hotly debated, according to, a 1990 study showed that exposure to flashing red lights helped relieve migraines in 93 percent of patients tested.
  1. Migraine-Specific Colors

    • In color therapy, different colors are said to do different things to the body. For example, red is believed to affect the legs and feet; from a psychological perspective, it also represents courage and loyalty. As far as migraines are concerned, however, blue and violet have been singled out as colors that are most beneficial to migraine sufferers.


    • Blue is a peaceful, soothing and even cooling color (think of its frequent association with ice in popular culture). In color therapy, blue is a calming tool that is believed to help in relieving and even eliminating migraines. Blue-colored foods are also believed to have similar effects. Plums, grapes and blueberries are natural foods good for the body no matter what state it's in, but color therapists say that because they are blue, these foods can help calm the body and ease migraine pain.


    • Violet, in color therapy, is the color of emotion and meditation. Used in conjunction with blue, violet can also be an asset for migraine sufferers. Violet foods include eggplant and blackberries.


    • For treating migraines, recommends exposure to blue and violet lights or surroundings one after the other, first blue for 30 minutes, then violet for 15 minutes. This should be repeated twice per day to help maintain migraine relief. Also, eating blue and violet foods can aid in migraine treatment and prevention.

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